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I’m a Dancer

Sharing this belief with your children encourages them to:

  • Capture Beauty and Complexity through Creations
  • Inspire Wonder and Appreciation for the Arts
  • Transform Ideas into Visual Expressions
  • Evoke Emotions and Provokes Thought
  • Celebrate Individuality and Diversity in Artistic Forms
  • Stimulate Creativity and Innovation
  • Leave a Lasting Impression with Artistic Contributions

The conversation you have with your child when you give them this item is important.  It will make it much more meaningful and impactful.

Here are some suggestions that you may reword to make it age appropriate to your child:

  • Positive Reinforcement: "Hey there, graceful performer! I want you to know just how incredible you are and how much I admire your talent for dancing. You possess a gift for movement, and I believe in your abilities wholeheartedly."
  • Explanation: "Saying 'I'm a dancer' isn't just a statement – it's a celebration of your agility, expression, and the unique stories you tell through movement. It's a recognition of your ability to inspire, evoke emotions, and captivate audiences with your performances."
  • Real-Life Examples: "Remember when you mesmerized everyone with your fluid movements or choreographed a piece that left the audience spellbound? Those moments showed me just how talented and expressive you are. You already have the soul of a dancer!"
  • Encourage a Growth Mindset: "Sometimes doubts might creep in or you may face challenges mastering a new routine, but that's when your inner dancer shines the brightest. It's okay to practice, experiment with different styles, and embrace the journey of self-expression through dance. Every step you take is a step towards refining your craft."
  • Repetition: "So whenever you feel uncertain or when self-doubt arises, I want you to remember your dancing talents. Repeat to yourself: 'I'm a dancer, I am graceful, I am a storyteller through movement.'"
  • Support and Availability: "I'm always here for you, ready to support and encourage you in your dance journey. Whether it's practicing together, attending performances, or simply offering a listening ear, I'll be there to cheer you on every step of the way."
  • Set Goals: "Let's set some goals together, like mastering a new dance style, performing in a competition, or choreographing your own piece. Each achievement will be a testament to your dedication and passion for dance."
  • Lead by Example: "Just like you, I also appreciate the beauty of dance and the emotions it can evoke. Let's share our love for movement, exchange ideas, and inspire each other to pursue our dance dreams."
  • Create a Positive Environment: "Our home is a place where your dancing talents are celebrated, nurtured, and encouraged to flourish. Let's make it a space filled with inspiration, encouragement, and the freedom to express yourself through dance."
  • Reinforce with the Item: "When I give you this pair of dance shoes, costume, or any accessory you love to perform with, I want it to be a special moment. It's a reminder of your incredible talent and a symbol of the beauty you bring to the world through your dance. Dance with it proudly, knowing that you are a true dancer."


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